Can we really be dedicated to something we want to achieve if we already are preoccupied with stuff? Probably not. Oh sorry, let me start with the very beginning. Actually, my talk with a School Administrator lead me to that question while I was going through a quote by Mother Teresa. Continue reading School Administrator can effectively Manage the School and still have a ‘Life’ !
Change Teaching Strategies from a ‘Paathshala’ to Modern Day Smart Classrooms!
The Mesmerizing History of ‘Paathshala’ 
There was a time in schooling history, when the students use to gather around the village or city and lay down the mat, sit on it and wait for the teacher to start with the daily lessons on some blackboard. At that time no student have ever imagined that they will get a classroom with proper wooden benches and a projector with 3-D visual lessons. The technology has always been in favor of humanity and always have been transforming the teaching strategies with the evolution of mankind.
Past Experiences from my Life
When I was about to get graduated from my high school, the idea of smart classrooms came up in some newly established schools. It was a fascination to be able to visualize inside a cell while chemistry classes, and the action and reaction of protons and like particles for the Rutherford’s Scattering Effect in physics lectures, and many more. I always found it compelling to only think of being a part of the classroom with smart visuals explaining the theory lectures with the use of 3-D figures and stories.
However, the smart classrooms picked up pace abruptly and now its even better with the use of software solutions which boosts creative minds of the students. The learning software comes bundled up with games and activities which are related to the theory lectures. The use of these learning softwares have proved worthy according to the scientists. It enhances the creative ability of the students, according to the studies. Moreover ,it also affects the learning attitude of the students for their betterment. So, it will be advantageous on school’s part to adopt the idea of being smart using smart classrooms and teaching strategies.
Questions you might be having 
How can you get smart classrooms? Will it be very expensive? Will it be worth it?
Is it really necessary? What will be the future consequences of it? How many of
the existing schools use it?
The Solution for the betterment of Traditional teaching strategies!
All the above questions may pop up in your head, so let us cover each of it one by one.
How can you get smart classrooms?
First of all, to get one such learning software for your school or coaching organization, you can contact one of the Software Development Companies in your city.
There are several which offer just the service. However, we at Skyshine Technologies, have been providing satisfaction to our customers by providing not only what they ask for, but what they can’t even picture. We know what you need to get your name fly high and thus, by reaching us you can get all that and many more services at your own budget.
We can get your organization a world class software featuring the best in class teaching strategies sprinkled with some top-class learning activities. This way the students will be learning while enjoying some impeccably interesting activities like games, stories and much more. Get a quotation and discuss with us what all you need and we’ll figure out what all we can get you to increase up tot he intake of students. However, as the saying goes, we must do what best we can and it will automatically give the incredible results. So by application of the smart teaching strategies in your organization, it will automatically increase the results of the students. And thus attracting many more new admissions. (Check fascinating School Management Softwares here). (What is School Management software? Click here.)
Will it be very expensive?
Coming to the second question you might have. No, it won’t be expensive at all looking at its results as well. I do not know much about other software providing companies. But at Skyshine Technologies, we understand the value of your hard-earned money. So we provide the best services at a very reasonable price. We guarantee you to fit in your budget and still outshine other companies.
Then comes the question, if it’s necessary or not. Look, change brings in the possibility of getting better with time. So, believe me, if you won’t change with time then you’ll be thrashed into the dirt. And it will really be worth every dime you will invest. The better performance of the software-aided teaching strategies will be reflected in the results of the students within a year.
With the ending note of this article, I can assure you that almost every deemed school organization is switching towards new teaching strategies, so better you too adopt it before it’s too late. It is as simple as pie. Check out our latest posts to get more knowledge about teaching using latest Softwares and also don’t hesitate to ask for a basic quotation for the softwares you need.
We will be pleased to help you develop a bright new future for the world.
Smart Classroom is No More A Science Fiction!
Quality education has always been an essential part of maintaining the civilized society. Technology has affected us in every aspect and the smart classroom is a smart counterpart to the traditional classroom. Smart classroom helps students in better concept formation, elaboration of the concept and improvement in reading and grasping skills. The traditional approach of lectures and note-taking has become obsolete in today’s age. Modern teaching and learning is the future and we should implement the same. Every student has different capabilities and is not interested in all the subjects. The smart classroom provides enjoyment and an immersive experience in addition to educating the students with better audio-visual lectures.
Learning is not something which you mug up. It’s rather the knowledge that stays with you lifelong. To keep such view, the smart learning plays a vital role. New methods of teaching have been introduced which are known as a smart classroom. It uses animated modules and videos, instructional material and all the major schools are accepting this concept readily. Students are thrilled about the innovation that it brings with it. It has not only made the education interesting but also the students have been benefited as they can enhance the performance.
Smart classrooms and e-learning are revolutionizing the concept of education at once. The smart classrooms are the new generation education product which has students gain knowledge and not just marks.
Benefits of smart classroom
- Teachers can choose from a variety of learning material such as presentation, audio, and video, applications, shared Whiteboards, audio-visual conferencing etc.
- Visualised lectures make it easier for students to understand the concept.
- The grasping of the subject matter has become easier with the concept of a smart classroom.
- Students can actually explore with the help of virtual reality and Augmented reality.
- A better student – teacher and student-student interaction are possible because of the shared collaborative projects technology bring to the table.
- Students can plan their studies at their convenience. They can learn at their own Pace and they can revise over and over again.
- Since they are learning at their own pace they can devote more time to the weaker subjects and can revise them.
- There are no geographical boundaries that can inhibit the growth of the students from all over the world anymore. The divide between the urban and rural areas are bridged.
- A lot of tasks can be automated in a smart classroom such as grading the performance of the students, notifying students about their remaining lessons and teachers can have instant access to the information that can supplement the learning experience of the students.
- The spectrum of the information available to the students can be widened with the help of smart classroom. With internet access students are provided with great exposure to the pool of information available online.
Components of smart classroom
- Smartboard – All the interactive whiteboards which take the concept of our black or whiteboard up a notch. The presentation of the subject matter has become robust with the help of smartboards. When a picture or document or a video is displayed on the smartboard, teachers can write on them and provide better knowledge. They can draw, sketch, archive and share any lessons with the students. It is the revolutionary new piece of technology.
- Smart cameras – Documents can be projected on the smart board with the help of the smart cameras on which they can further work upon by writing or drawing. Instead of printing for every student, now a single piece of document can be shared with each one of them by just scanning it with these smart cameras.
- Cloud-based Study Material – With the integration of Technology into the classes, the benefit of the cloud has been utilized effectively. The study material can be stored on a remote server which can be accessed by students and teachers, it might also be modified and also the homework and classwork can be submitted online. Cloud is the new big thing and we at Skyshine are already preparing our clients for the same. You can also benefit from the cloud services we provide. Log into for more information.
- Remote virtual access to the places or the experts – Teachers and Students can plan virtual trips to the places they could not have visited in the traditional classrooms. 3D models can help them go out of the books and exploring the realms of subjects. Also, experts can connect with the teachers and students from all over the world over audio and video conference.
- Smart study devices – Tablets, Laptop, Smartphones and also e-readers like Kindle are becoming increasingly popular among students. Electronic textbooks and notes can save the students and teachers from the hassle of traditional textbooks. Also, the incorporation of additional study material done in the electronic textbooks can facilitate better learning.
- Smart applications for institutions and websites – When everything is going online a centralized network inside of an institution can make the documentation and maintenance process very easy. Speaking of apps and website development, we at skyshine can help you out build your own website or application or host the servers or the website. We specialize in SEO, application development, Website development, web-hosting, internet marketing, website designing and what not. Check it out at and experience it yourself! We work until you are satisfied and we work at affordable prices.
In conclusion, it is safe to say that students and adults are becoming more technologically inclined. They are adapting to technology better. A smart classroom is really a smart step in revolutionizing the traditional classroom and the upgrade is worth it, there’s no doubt.
Business Softwares | Tips to Revolutionize your Business with Time
In today’s Generation, each field has evolved due to Technical Advancements. Whether we consider the case of large IT companies or the small local businesses, the technology has changed the face of each and every industry. Today we will be looking forward to gaining sight of business software, using which you can reduce your effort and increase your profits exponentially.
When talking about businesses, you might still remember those various registers and notebooks, a businessman used to maintain to note down the ledger account, customers details, sales, etc. for the business. But gone are those days now. It is time to take your business to a whole new level of technology using Business Softwares.
If you are having any second thoughts then I will suggest to ignore them already and opt out of the automated world. Because of the evolving world, you either need to pace up with it or else you will be left behind.
Business Software
Business software is basically a set of programs and applications using which a business user can make a drastic change to the way he/she handle the business. These business applications are used to increase productivity, to measure productivity and to perform other business functions accurately. Today in this article, we will be going through the various software and applications which you can use to reduce your effort and still get a phenomenal revenue.
It’s not that difficult how much you might be thinking it to be, and also it can be applied to any sort or size of the business company you own. First of all before starting you should note down the size of your business and you must also have some prior knowledge of what all features you would like to have automated for your business. Then accordingly, after this point, you search the market to get a software which will satisfy that need/requirement.
Business Software Choices: Customize one or choose from one already in the market?
You can get Business Softwares out in 2 forms, one is which are already out in the market like Office Suite, Oracle’s Business Suite, Accounting Softwares, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc. or you can also get a custom software for your business. Custom Softwares can be acquired from a software developer which would be an external supplier. However, this may cost a fortune, thus going with the software which is already in the market would be much economical if you are a small business user.
History: MS Office for small businesses
To note down all the sales, profits, customer information, etc, you could have used MS Office which already comes with MS Word, MS Excel, and several other applications pre-installed. This will reduce your effort to maintain a register. Also, all the data will be contained in your computer thus ensuring safety. MS Excel comes bundled with data computation features as well that can compute things like total sales in a month, percentage profit, revenue out of sales, and what not. MS Office is thus a great alternative. However, it is quite outdated with time. Now the world is shifting towards more intricate software for specific business or organization.
What all Business Softwares need to do!
Are you fed up with memorizing names of your customers and the loan borrowers? Then the Customer Relation Management (CRM)
the software may come handy. With it, you can maintain the detailed profile of customers for you and keep the record of the sales data for future references. Also, you can include Decision Support software in your list, using which the technology helps human in decision making. There is also software which can generate and print out the invoice bills and payrolls for you. Isn’t it what you want to automate rather than burdening it over your head?!
Also as you already be aware of the fact that Digital Marketing (if you don’t know it yet, click the link) is a key to increase your profit so you must also get your business online. There are various companies which offer the online services like hosting, adding and managing the content of your website. This way you can rely on them for representing you and your business over the online market. Or you can also get blogging software installed on your system and manage it on your own. Point is, going online is a mandatory thing nowadays. So you need to do it by hook or crook.
There is also various scheduling software which will help you to create and maintain a schedule of your employees and clients. A study shows that checking out the users’ activity and acting accordingly increases the productivity of the business by over 40%. This software will track the users’ time on the website and alerts you in case of any conflicts. This way you can analyze how your business is doing and update your skills in need.
Fully Loaded Softwares already on the market
There also comes various software which is off-the-shelf but is available in individual edition and Enterprise edition. Thus you can opt out for the Enterprise Edition if you are going to use it for your business. However, this already available software doesn’t always fulfill all your needs. So, you have to have a specific software for your company or business. The software must have a complimentary mobile app so you can run your entire business on your mobile phone itself. This will save your time by a lot. And also instead of looking into your computer, you can get it all in one single hand.
Business Software: The Conclusion
So now it’s time to say goodbye to your old business management methods and adopt the new business software. It can manage business functions like productivity, customer requirements and satisfaction, bills, taxes and legal documents all at one place. If you are afraid to act or think it will be too costly, just visit us (website link contains details about us). We will inform you with details or will also make up business software for your business within your best budget.
Believe me or not, the business software will make your work more efficient, easier and much smarter. Be the part of what is future. Choose smart and earn smart!
Everyone must know these 2018 Trending Techs under Software Development!
We are always up to date be it comes to movies, music, memes, etc. But do you ever feel awkwardly ashamed when it comes to Technical Talks among your friends? If yes, then probably you are in the right place. I’m going to brush up your knowledge on the most interesting topics regarding Tech in this article, which everyone must be aware of. With all the below stated Technologies, it however always sums up to the Software Development Skills. Softwares are the key to showcase all the below techs. Thus, Software Development is of the essence and couldn’t be skimmed out. The development of a software is a whole lot of process in itself which will be talked about in further articles. So to know more about software development and its life cycle, follow our latest blogs and articles.
BlockChain and CryptoCurrencies
You almost all have heard of Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin was even the center of attraction for the year 2017-18. Cryptocurrency is entirely based on the idea of blockchain and cryptography. Coming to cryptography later, blockchain is a concept which was introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 for implementing Bitcoin Cryptocurrency.
The blockchain is basically the chain of blocks where each block contains some record. So blockchain keeps continuously growing as a new record comes in. Also, each block is linked to other blocks and secured via cryptography. Hence known as Cryptocurrency.
The previous topic gives rise to another technical term known as cryptography, which has been on the market since very early centuries. It is the practice and study of secret communication between the sender and the recipient. It is more or less like encryption and is existing since 14th or 15th century, however, the technology has advanced it a bit.
If you will go to a profile in Whatsapp then there you will find a field as Encryption which will display a QR code. This ensures peer-to-peer encryption between the sender and receiver of the messages. WhatsApp makes sure that the messages can’t be read in between the route but the sender and the receiver.
Internet of Things
IoT is another field which has been on a hype for a couple of years. Internet of Things refers to the network of physical devices like home appliances and other items embedded with software, sensors, electronics and stuff. This network connection enables them to exchange data and perform operations. For an example, think of a sensor inside a pot containing a plant. This sensor will detect the presence of water (moisture) in the pot. And if not enough water is present then it will send a message to the mobile application of the user. Furthermore, if user chooses to water the plant via the app then the motor will start automatically and fill up the pot. This comes under IoT as the use of sensor is mentioned.
Deep Machine > Machine Learning
Another field which is growing extensively among the crowd is Deep learning. Deep learning is a part of Machine Learning Technology, which has a vast area of research. Scientists are moving towards it with great expectations as it is more promising with its applications. As the words loosely translate,
Machine Learning is a field of computer science where the computer is designed to learn things through data. This data which is supplied to it is the input of the system. Then machine behaves as a human by deciding its fate itself. And Deep Learning is just a better alternative of it.
You can convey yourself directly through comments. Also, don’t forget to check out our official website for latest updates and lot of more fascinating things. Those can really help you to surpass your wit.
Hope to see you in the consecutive articles, until then keep Discovering and keep Learning!
Top 10 Software Companies in India You Should Definitely Google!
Top 10 Software Companies in India
Are you into technology? Would you like to work in the tech industry in India? We have top 10 software companies in India you should look forward to work in!
As soon as I associate the word software and India certainly these 10 Tech Giants come into my mind and I am sure that they come to yours too. So let’s get started and take a look at these Software Companies in India.
1. Tata Consultancy Services Limited
TCS is a subsidiary of the TATA Group which operates in 46 countries and headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra and is one of the top software companies in India. TCS Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting business solutions company founded 50 years ago in 1968 by J.R.D. Tata and F.C. Kohli, currently headed by Mr. Rajesh Gopinathan who is the CEO and MD of TCS and the chairman Mr. Natarajan Chandrashekhar. TCS made 17.56 billion US dollars in 2017 in revenue.It is amazing that TCS alone generates 70% dividend of its Parent company. It is the world’s 9th largest IT services provided by revenue. As of 2017, it is ranked 10th on the Fortune India 500 list.
2. Infosys Limited
(formerly Infosys Technologies Limited) is a Bangalore based information technology and Outsourcing services providing company headed by Salil Parekh who is the CEO and MD and Mr. Nandan Nilekani who is the chairman.Infosys is the second largest Indian IT company by 2017 revenues and 596 largest public company in the world in terms of revenue. It was founded 36 years ago by 7 engineers namely N.R. Narayana Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, S. Gopalakrishnan, S.D. Shibulal, K. Dinesh, N.S. Raghavan and Ashok Arora. Infosys Technologies Private Limited changed its name to Infosys Technologies Limited in April 1992 and became a public limited company in June 1992 and was later renamed to Infosys Limited in June 2011.
3. Wipro
Wipro is yet another Indian Information Technology Services Corporation which is headquartered in Bengaluru, India. Western India Palm refined Oils Limited or Wipro or more recently Western India Products Limited was founded by Azim Premji 72 years ago on 29 December 1945. In 2018 alone, They made 8.48 billion US dollars. Wipro was founded as Western India Vegetable Products Limited in the 1945 and it was initially set up as the manufacturer of vegetables and refined oils in Maharashtra under the Kisan, Sunflower, and Camel. At the age of 21, Azim Premji became the chairman in 1966 after his father Mohammed Premji’s death. In 1970 – 1980 the company shifted it’s focus to the IT sector changing its names from Western India Vegetable Products limited to Wipro products Limited on June 7, 1977.
4. HCL
Hindustan Computers Limited which is abbreviated as HCL Technologies Limited is one of the top Software Companies in India in Noida. It is a subsidiary of HCL Enterprise it was founded by Shiv Nadar in August 1976.
C. Vijay Kumar is a President and the CEO of HCL. HCL has offices in 34 companies including US, UK, France, and Germany and made 7.4 billion US dollars in 2017. It was among top 20 largest publicly traded companies in India. Six former employees of Delhi Cloth and General Mills formed HCL in 1976 as Microcomp Limited although later changed its name to Hindustan Computers Limited on 11 August 1976.
5. Tech Mahindra
One of the top software companies in India, Tech Mahindra has founded 32 years ago in 1986 in Pune Maharashtra by Anand Mahindra.
It is a well-known software company in India.Tech Mahindra was started as a technology outsourcing firm as a joint venture between Mahindra and Mahindra and British Telecom. December 2012 marked the exit of British Telecom from Tech Mahindra after it sold it shares to Mahindra and Mahindra.
6. Oracle Financial Services Software Limited
OFSSL is a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation. It is ranked 253 in Fortune India 500 list in 2011. It provides IT solution to the banking industry. OFSSL was founded in 1990 headquartered in Mumbai (Maharashtra, India). Initially, it wasn’t named OFSSL, it was I-flex Solutions.
Furthermore, Oracle Corporation had 83% shares and hence the company later changed the name in order to reflect the company’s close strategic and operational orientation with its parent company.
7. Larsen and Toubro Infotech Ltd
Larsen and Toubro Infotech Ltd is a subsidiary of Larsen and Toubro which was founded in 1st April 1997 under the CEO of Sanjay jalona it made the revenue of 1 million US dollars in 2017 LNT Infotech businesses focused in North America it has 70% of its revenues from the US. L&T is a major technology, engineering, construction, manufacturing and financial services conglomerate, with global operations
8. Mphasis
Mphasis was founded in 2000 as a measure of US-based IT Consulting company Mphasis corporation and an Indian IT services company BFL Software Limited which is based in Bangalore, India. MphasiS provides infrastructure technology, applications outsourcing services, architecture guidance application development and integration and Application Management Services. Plus, Mphasis has more than 30 offices in 19 countries.
9. Mindtree Limited
Mindtree Limited is an Indian multinational information technology and Outsourcing company. It founded on 18th August 1999. It is headquartered in Bangalore, India and New Jersey, USA. As of 2017, the company has 43 offices in over 17 countries. Talking about its philanthropic works, Mindtree Foundation is a unit of Mindtree that works for the better living for people with disabilities and to encourage the primary education
Atul Nishar founded Hexaware in 1990 as Aptech. Aptech was renamed as Hexaware Technologies Limited. HTL made 525.6 USD as of 2016 in 2001. Aptech was a spin-off of Apple Industries. It is listed among 200 best in Forbes. R. Srikrishna is the CEO of Hexaware. According to their website and I quote, “Hexaware is the fastest growing global automation-led, next-generation providers of IT, BPO and consulting services. The company focusses on transforming customer experiences and achieving customer delight by automating and cloudifying everything.”
Ever wanted your own website or app or wanted to host your own website? Skyshine Technologies works on the development of Websites & Software according to any type of client requirement with a lot of programming languages and latest technologies in addition to this ‘We Work Until You Are Satisfied!’ If you have any business or queries feel free to contact us at our representative shall get in touch.
Things You Should Know About Application Development
Application development
Application Development is usually referred to as the process of writing and maintaining the source code i.e. computer programming. But in the wider view, application development includes everything from the inception of the desired application to the final manifestation of that application. Therefore application development may include research, modifications, reuse re-engineering, maintenance, software design or any other activities that can result in the finished application.
There are many different kinds of applications
1. Web Applications
2. Mobile Applications
3. Portable Applications
4. Open Source Applications
5. Rich Internet Applications
Let’s briefly discuss the types of applications mentioned above
1. Web Applications
Web apps are the application programs that are stored on a remote computer and which are delivered via the internet through a web browser interface. Web apps include both client-side logic and the user interface. Common examples of web apps could be Gmail, instant messaging Services, Wiki’s etc. The benefit of having a web app is that they can be distributed over thousand number of client computers without even installing the software package.
2.Mobile Application
These are the computer programs which are designed to run on a mobile device such as a mobile phone, tablet or a Smartwatch. They started appearing first in 2008 with the inception of Android, Blackberry, Symbian, and IOS etc. A mobile application can be installed via application store such as App Store, Google Play, Windows phone store etc. There are several independent app markets as well such as GetJar, Aptoide, F-droid etc. A huge number of the population uses mobile phones and hence the need for mobile apps is mandatory. You can find everything, every service on a mobile app these days. Mobile app developers have to consider a wide array of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configuration in order to develop their mobile application because they are dealing with a variety of devices here.
3. Portable Application
Portable application or standalone is a software product designed to be easily moved from one computer to another this include portable versions of different software such as even Operating Systems, browsers etc to enhance mobile computing. Portable apps are usually stored on portable storage devices such as USB drive or flash media or can be found in the cloud as well. A portable app it is not installed on a device but stores all application files and data together and runs irrespective of the Operating Systems.
4. Open Source Application
Open source application refers to the applications that are publicly accessible and can be inspected, modified and enhanced by people. People can have control over the behavior of the apps, ensure the security and stability and can practice application development on them. Some examples of such software are Mozilla Firefox, VLC Media Player, Open office etc.
5. Rich Internet Application
An RIA is a web application which has the same features and functions normally associated with desktop applications. Generally, RIA’s are split between the client side and the application server side, on the client side they have the user interface while on the application server side data manipulation and operation is done.
Application Development Lifecycle
Application Development life cycle or System Development Life Cycle is a term used in system engineering which describes the process of planning, creating, testing and deploying an information system. It consists of a detailed plan on how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software or software modules.
1. Information is gathered about the user, hardware, and the software. The inputs from the customer are taken into consideration also the market surveys and domain experts in the industry helps shape the process. This information is then used to plan the approach of application development.
2. Data analysis is performed on the information gathered. Once the requirement analysis is done the documentation is developed as well.
3. Application design starts according to the data collected and according to the customer requirements and actual application is built in an organized manner.
4. And now the design is manifested in terms of a prototype model. Prototyping, which refers to a system’s actual interactions with the intended system. After every process, the testing is done but here the testing refers to the reports tracked of the interactions of the system with the intended environment until the product register quality standards defined.
5. After the testing phase is over, and the product is ready to be deployed, it is released in the appropriate market. The newly developed application is maintained over time. It is done to increase the feature, security, stability, and performance for the existing customer base.
A Few Things to Notice
It is the crucial part of application development which helps to retract any activities while developing the application. It provides with the logs so that any changes can be undone if anything goes wrong or is not required.
Integrated Development Environments or Integrated Debugging Environment
IDE’s are the software applications which provide comprehensive facilities for the software development to the computer programmers.
Programming language
A programming language is an artificial language; designed for the computers to understand and perform the instructions given to them by the users. Programming languages are used to write Computer Software. Few examples of programming languages are C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, HTML etc.
Talking about application development, we at Skyshine Technologies can develop not only your applications but also the websites for you at cheaper and affordable rates! Learn the importance of applications here contact now at
What is Software Engineering and Why is it Essential for You?
Whether you are from Computer Science background or not, you must always know what is going on across the world. And believe me, Software Engineering is a field, you must get knowledge of. So just take a few moments and go through this pretty article and I promise you won’t regret it. In the following article, I will discuss with you all how you can excel in your business or whatever the domain you belong, by applying software engineering concepts to it. We will cover the following points in brief:-
- What is Software engineering?
- Why Software Engineering?
- The efficient outcome of Software Engineering
- Wheels that drive Software Engineering
- How does it work?
- It’s benefits for you and your future!
Try to read it all through the end, so that you can get answers to all your what, why, how? And at last, we will talk about how it can benefit you and your future.
What is Software Engineering?
Let us begin with the very beginning. So, Software Engineering is the application of principles of engineering to develop software. These, application of engineering principles include scientific and technological knowledge and experience of designing, implementing, and testing of the system, This makes the software development, a way more systematic and thus easing the process. The application of software engineering makes the end product i.e. the software, way more efficient and reliable. I will not drift apart from the topic so, you can better read the theory off the internet.
Why Software Engineering?
This field of Computer Science is one of the oldest and it won’t be wrong to call it “Evergreen”. In the early 1940’s, computer scientists realized the need for computer hardware and software. And, since then the field of software engineering is enhancing and making profits for their users and engineers.
Software engineering is majorly used for large and intricate software systems however it won’t be wrong to apply engineering concepts to your own small software and products.
Also, that is not at all wrong that Engineers across the country are growing rapidly and thus the unemployment for them. But nobody mentions the fact that they are not well-trained and thus are not eligible for the jobs available, this is also stated by Government Officials in several countries. So it would be completely inappropriate to think that you shouldn’t pursue engineering as a career.
Efficient Outcome of Software Engineering
The users of the product software judge it on the basis of the following characteristics:-
- How well it satisfies the needs of the customers
- Its budget and the usage-need ratio
- How efficient it is
- It’s functionality
- Security and safety of the software (it doesn’t contain any malicious content)
- Software’s portability (should be cross-platform, that is, it should work on every platform) and flexibility
- With new technology, the software must also be validated and updated
So, to overcome all these problems and make the software, an efficient and reliable product, the software engineering process is applied. Your software will automatically achieve all these goals at once by using software engineering for yourself.
Wheels that drive Software Engineering
Automation is the new buzzword across the globe and it is increasing day-by-day and this, in turn, is increasing the hype of the software engineering market. This is new and trending for 2018-2022 which can’t be just overlooked.
Some basic deeds you must already be aware of are Computer Programming, Program design, Computer Systems Analysis, Fundamentals of hardware, Networking, and Computer Architecture. So now you know that you should head start for the future, however, let us see how you can do this.
How does Software Engineering work?
The application of engineering concepts is what differs the production of a particular software. We must follow the underlying points (in exact order) to make it work :
- It all starts with requirement gathering session. You must be aware of users’ requirements and needs to thus bring in a software which will solve their problem. You can do surveys, basic observations, interviews from the user-end, etc. to check out with their needs.
- Then after gathering the problem, you should develop a prototype of your software and also get feedback from the users at this stage.
- Finalize your product (software) and do various testing of it.
- And at last, you must also maintain it, and update it if required so that it remains up-to-date.
This you could apply in all your small business products up to the various intricate software. Also, there is a lot more about software development life cycle, but I’m here to sum it all up for you. So, if you want to read it all by yourself, you can also google it, because I’m not here to bore you with the complex theory.
It’s benefits for you and your future!
So that is it for software engineering, now comes the question: how can it benefit you?

Source Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational and Wage Estimates, 2014
As you know that by becoming a software company, you can increase your profits to a lot more than what you have now. If you don’t know it yet and want to understand how? then check out Be a Software Company and Increase your Profits.
But, if you are from non-technical background then you can also invest in worldwide software companies and get your share from them, and this way you can increase your revenue.
Technology is the key to perform better nowadays, so better leave your pothole business behind and understand the do’s and don’ts of technical field so you can play safe and earn a lot!