Smart Classroom is No More A Science Fiction!

Quality education has always been an essential part of maintaining the civilized society. Technology has affected us in every aspect and the smart classroom is a smart counterpart to the traditional classroom. Smart classroom helps students in better concept formation, elaboration of the concept and improvement in reading and grasping skills. The traditional approach of lectures and note-taking has become obsolete in today’s age. Modern teaching and learning is the future and we should implement the same. Every student has different capabilities and is not interested in all the subjects. The smart classroom provides enjoyment and an immersive experience in addition to educating the students with better audio-visual lectures.



Learning is not something which you mug up. It’s rather the knowledge that stays with you lifelong. To keep such view, the smart learning plays a vital role. New methods of teaching have been introduced which are known as a smart classroom. It uses animated modules and videos, instructional material and all the major schools are accepting this concept readily. Students are thrilled about the innovation that it brings with it. It has not only made the education interesting but also the students have been benefited as they can enhance the performance.

Smart classrooms and e-learning are revolutionizing the concept of education at once. The smart classrooms are the new generation education product which has students gain knowledge and not just marks.


Benefits of smart classroomImage result for component smart classroom

  • Teachers can choose from a variety of learning material such as presentation, audio, and video, applications, shared Whiteboards, audio-visual conferencing etc.
  • Visualised lectures make it easier for students to understand the concept.
  • The grasping of the subject matter has become easier with the concept of a smart classroom.
  • Students can actually explore with the help of virtual reality and Augmented reality.
  • A better student – teacher and student-student interaction are possible because of the shared collaborative projects technology bring to the table.
  • Students can plan their studies at their convenience. They can learn at their own Pace and they can revise over and over again.
  • Since they are learning at their own pace they can devote more time to the weaker subjects and can revise them.
  • There are no geographical boundaries that can inhibit the growth of the students from all over the world anymore. The divide between the urban and rural areas are bridged.
  • A lot of tasks can be automated in a smart classroom such as grading the performance of the students, notifying students about their remaining lessons and teachers can have instant access to the information that can supplement the learning experience of the students.
  • The spectrum of the information available to the students can be widened with the help of smart classroom. With internet access students are provided with great exposure to the pool of information available online.


Components of smart classroomImage result for component smart classroom

  • Smartboard – All the interactive whiteboards which take the concept of our black or whiteboard up a notch. The presentation of the subject matter has become robust with the help of smartboards. When a picture or document or a video is displayed on the smartboard, teachers can write on them and provide better knowledge. They can draw, sketch, archive and share any lessons with the students. It is the revolutionary new piece of technology.


  • Smart cameras – Documents can be projected on the smart board with the help of the smart cameras on which they can further work upon by writing or drawing. Instead of printing for every student, now a single piece of document can be shared with each one of them by just scanning it with these smart cameras.


  • Cloud-based Study Material – With the integration of Technology into the classes, the benefit of the cloud has been utilized effectively. The study material can be stored on a remote server which can be accessed by students and teachers, it might also be modified and also the homework and classwork can be submitted online. Cloud is the new big thing and we at Skyshine are already preparing our clients for the same. You can also benefit from the cloud services we provide. Log into for more information.


  • Remote virtual access to the places or the experts – Teachers and Students can plan virtual trips to the places they could not have visited in the traditional classrooms. 3D models can help them go out of the books and exploring the realms of subjects. Also, experts can connect with the teachers and students from all over the world over audio and video conference.


  • Smart study devices – Tablets, Laptop, Smartphones and also e-readers like Kindle are becoming increasingly popular among students. Electronic textbooks and notes can save the students and teachers from the hassle of traditional textbooks. Also, the incorporation of additional study material done in the electronic textbooks can facilitate better learning.


  • Smart applications for institutions and websites – When everything is going online a centralized network inside of an institution can make the documentation and maintenance process very easy. Speaking of apps and website development, we at skyshine can help you out build your own website or application or host the servers or the website. We specialize in SEO, application development, Website development, web-hosting, internet marketing, website designing and what not. Check it out at and experience it yourself! We work until you are satisfied and we work at affordable prices.



In conclusion, it is safe to say that students and adults are becoming more technologically inclined. They are adapting to technology better. A smart classroom is really a smart step in revolutionizing the traditional classroom and the upgrade is worth it, there’s no doubt.

School is Becoming a Better Place with Technology. Here’s how!

There are a number of reasons why technology can enhance our education system the school. Technology is everywhere and if we want our students to survive this era of technology they must know it in school. I will tell you a few reasons why technology is important in school. Even my 2-year-old cousin uses YouTube kids! She learned more rhymes on YouTube then she learned from the books her parents are teaching her from. She would open up YouTube herself and would navigate to the videos she wants to see and would watch them for hours!

No More Rat Race

Not everybody has the same grasping power. All the fingers are different and hence sometimes the students don’t get the most out of their classes. With technology, kids can learn at their own speed. But the traditional classroom makes it difficult to do so because there are a number of students there in the traditional schools and it is not possible for the teachers or the school to give each and every student their independent attention. If the technology gets integrated into the traditional system, children can slow down and go back to the lessons over and over again and learn at their own pace. It also helps the teacher because they don’t have to go through the hassle of repeating their work.

No limitations to the knowledge!

With technology at the disposal of the school, they can teach not just the traditional topics but also everything else that is available on the Internet.
Teachers can come up with creative ideas to integrate different knowledge in the sessions. While learning about something if a student encounters something that they don’t know about, they are stuck with the half knowledge. But with technology, if there is anything hindering their way, it has millions of explanations just a few clicks away.

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There is no way around Technology


Can you think of a place where there is no technology right now? It is very difficult, isn’t it? And where there is no Tech right now, it will soon reach those dead spots. There’s no way around it! you have to have the knowledge about it and hence enhance the schooling system itself, empower the school and enrich the minds of the children and let them grow with it.


It’s a new way of learning

This generation of students is considered the generation of technological learners. They learn their best when the audiovisual is incorporated when the lessons are more interactive and technology is there to help them. Children often struggle to concentrate on the studies but with technology, the interactive sessions can help them retain their ability to focus and they can better learn faster.


If you are a parent and searching for a school for your child, you must be scouring the web and that is why if you are a school you must have an online presence!
If you don’t have a website or a web app or even an application these days, you are lacking a lot. But… no worries! we are here to help you. We are Skyshine Technologies! Skyshine provides web hosting, website development, application development, SEO services, Web designing just ask and we have it and we do it at an affordable cost. We work until you are satisfied. Come on we’re right here at


Technology can help the teachers and students to get along really well

As I said nobody learns equally. We have our own paces. There’s a lot of hesitation in a student’s mind while he is sitting in the classroom. Technology can bridge the gap between the teachers and students because teachers don’t have to explain over and over again as a child can anytime go back to the lessons and learn along a thousand times. Technology helps make learning meaningful and enjoyable and that enables the students to open up more and the teachers to be than just a lecturer. They can be an advisor, they can be a coach and there can be a more emotional connection.


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Heard about netiquettes yet?

It gives the students and the teachers to interact more with their fellow classmates by encouraging collaboration. Teachers and other faculty members can develop their student’s digital citizenship skills and netiquettes. We are progressing online and hence everyone should know how to behave on the net. says ”etiquette is the rule of etiquette that applies when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet.”


Most up-to-date Information

With the Internet, students can access the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than ever before. The mobile technologies are readily available and our networks are getting faster and faster day by day. The traditional learning model is flawed and crippled even if you like it or not but technology is taking over.


Immersive learning Experience

Image result for Immersive learning Experience

The new technology brought us virtual reality and Augmented reality, VR, and AR respectively. If we add this technology to the traditional classroom, we can have the most immersive experience that has ever been possible for students. It can enhance the learning experience and open up new gates of exploration for the student. They can have the most practical knowledge and the school can not only give them bookish knowledge but also shape them into great achievers.

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Things You Should Know About Application Development

Application development

Application Development is usually referred to as the process of writing and maintaining the source code i.e. computer programming. But in the wider view, application development includes everything from the inception of the desired application to the final manifestation of that application. Therefore application development may include research, modifications, reuse re-engineering, maintenance, software design or any other activities that can result in the finished application.

There are many different kinds of applications

1. Web Applications

2. Mobile Applications

3. Portable Applications

4. Open Source Applications

5. Rich Internet Applications

Let’s briefly discuss the types of applications mentioned above


1. Web Applications

Web apps are the application programs that are stored on a remote computer and which are delivered via the internet through a web browser interface. Web apps include both client-side logic and the user interface. Common examples of web apps could be Gmail, instant messaging Services, Wiki’s etc. The benefit of having a web app is that they can be distributed over thousand number of client computers without even installing the software package.

2.Mobile Application

These are the computer programs which are designed to run on a mobile device such as a mobile phone, tablet or a Smartwatch. They started appearing first in 2008 with the inception of Android, Blackberry, Symbian, and IOS etc. A mobile application can be installed via application store such as App Store, Google Play, Windows phone store etc. There are several independent app markets as well such as GetJar, Aptoide, F-droid etc. A huge number of the population uses mobile phones and hence the need for mobile apps is mandatory. You can find everything, every service on a mobile app these days. Mobile app developers have to consider a wide array of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configuration in order to develop their mobile application because they are dealing with a variety of devices here.

3. Portable Application

Portable application or standalone is a software product designed to be easily moved from one computer to another this include portable versions of different software such as even Operating Systems, browsers etc to enhance mobile computing. Portable apps are usually stored on portable storage devices such as USB drive or flash media or can be found in the cloud as well. A portable app it is not installed on a device but stores all application files and data together and runs irrespective of the Operating Systems.

4. Open Source Application

Open source application refers to the applications that are publicly accessible and can be inspected, modified and enhanced by people. People can have control over the behavior of the apps, ensure the security and stability and can practice application development on them. Some examples of such software are Mozilla Firefox, VLC Media Player, Open office etc.

5. Rich Internet Application

An RIA is a web application which has the same features and functions normally associated with desktop applications. Generally, RIA’s are split between the client side and the application server side, on the client side they have the user interface while on the application server side data manipulation and operation is done.

Application Development Lifecycle

Application Development life cycle or System Development Life Cycle is a term used in system engineering which describes the process of planning, creating, testing and deploying an information system. It consists of a detailed plan on how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific softwanot found - application developmentre or software modules.

1. Information is gathered about the user, hardware, and the software. The inputs from the customer are taken into consideration also the market surveys and domain experts in the industry helps shape the process. This information is then used to plan the approach of application development.

2. Data analysis is performed on the information gathered. Once the requirement analysis is done the documentation is developed as well.

3. Application design starts according to the data collected and according to the customer requirements and actual application is built in an organized manner.

4. And now the design is manifested in terms of a prototype model. Prototyping, which refers to a system’s actual interactions with the intended system. After every process, the testing is done but here the testing refers to the reports tracked of the interactions of the system with the intended environment until the product register quality standards defined.

5. After the testing phase is over, and the product is ready to be deployed, it is released in the appropriate market. The newly developed application is maintained over time. It is done to increase the feature, security, stability, and performance for the existing customer base.

A Few Things to Notice


It is the crucial part of application development which helps to retract any activities while developing the application. It provides with the logs so that any changes can be undone if anything goes wrong or is not required.

Integrated Development Environments or Integrated Debugging Environment

IDE’s are the software applications which provide comprehensive facilities for the software development to the computer programmers.

Programming language

A programming language is an artificial language; designed for the computers to understand and perform the instructions given to them by the users. Programming languages are used to write Computer Software. Few examples of programming languages are C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, HTML etc.

Talking about application development, we at Skyshine Technologies can develop not only your applications but also the websites for you at cheaper and affordable rates! Learn the importance of applications here contact now at