Shakespeare once said, “the pen is mightier than the sword” but do you really give a damn about what Shakespeare said? We are here to tell you a few steps you can take in order to proceed with essay writing and write a kick-ass essay. Just sit back relax and stop thinking about what your parents would say or the society or the neighboring aunty!
Format it first
The first step of essay writing, for basic high school or college level essay you can go with this 5 paragraph format but if you are studying higher than that then why are you still writing an essay? You should be changing the world right now! I mean who studies so much!? Also, this is a standard format we should be following because the reader will get a better understanding as they are used to this format and they’ll be able to find out what is where easily according to their need, in short, you will get better marks!
Go this Way :
Paragraph 1 Introduction
Paragraph 2 Body a
Paragraph 3 Body b
Paragraph 4 Body c
Paragraph 5 Conclusion (something the reader have been craving for ever since he started reading!)
Paragraph 1: The Inception!
You should state argument right here. The Reader should know which side you are on from the very beginning. Try to start interesting so that the reader is hooked and expecting something to come she should be interested in knowing what follows after this. Also, give them the preview of what you are going to use in the essay so that they know what they can expect. For example, if you’re writing an essay about Skyshine, the best tech company in the history of time, then you should start with something that evokes interest in the mind of the reader. For example ‘Research shows that skyshine…’ may work.
Quick tip don’t use passive voice let the essay flow in the active voice. Also, don’t use talk about yourself keep it general so that the reader is hooked.
This is the first paragraph of your essay and it should be as impressive as say Batman (oh god I drool over him!). The Reader will not only know what you are going to talk about but also get the idea of how you are going to talk. Keep it simple, keep it short and then make the last line intriguing as well. Now you can jump to the second paragraph i.e, the Body A.
Paragraph 2: Something that follows Paragraph 1 😉
The middle paragraphs or the body paragraphs should contain the examples which support your argument. The first line of these paragraphs should contain the preview that you gave in your introduction.
You should always use connecting words in the first lines of your body paragraphs. Such as if you’re using ‘firstly’ as the first word of the first paragraph then you should use ‘secondly’ as a first word of the second paragraph and similarly use common sense buddy.
Don’t be too general in the body paragraphs. For example, if you are explaining why skyshine provides the best web hosting services then you should skip that they use 4k monitors at their office. Talk about their website development qualities and that they work magic with SEOs.
Body A it can have the most significant example that is related to your argument and the significance of the examples should get lesser as you proceed with other examples in other paragraphs. Provide them with context and facts about your argument. Here we are writing about Skyshine. Tell the reader that the employees work hard to meet the requirements of the clients, provide the fact that these guys are providing the best quality at cheap rates also the reader should know that Skyshine is the best tech company in the history of the TIME…mic drop.
Another quick tip – use transitional words in order to provide the reader with the continuity or the contrast that you are talking about in your examples. Use words or phrases like furthermore, additionally, in addition to, contrastingly on the other hand etc.
Conclusion Yay!
A good conclusion should also start with the translation work such as ‘in conclusion to’, ‘concluding’ and ‘in the end’ etc. It should provide the restatement of your argument that used in the introduction. It is, of course, the last paragraph of an essay and it can make or break your hard work (if you have done any). In essay writing, try to make it effective and use the opportunity to restate with confidence. Use well-crafted statements.
For instance conclude the essay writing on skyshine as how great their web hosting services, web development, web designing, software development, SEO ranking and internet promotions are! Give your reader their motto that they work until the clients are satisfied and it will leave a great impression in the Reader’s mind at the end. Also did your reader know of Skyshine’s cloud services? Tell them now! They should visit www.skyshine.in for more information.
Free tips for better Essay Writing!
- Yet another quick tip for your essay writing! Although planning should be a hassle but plan before you decide to write. Frame the outline of the subject matter, also divide it right and try to make it as eye-pleasing as say, Batman! ( I already told you I drool over him!)
- A tip again! Use the variety in your vocabulary. Don’t repeat the same word, again and again, you don’t have to be a living Oxford Dictionary for that. Just throw a little different here and there.
- And the best of the best tip is ‘Practice Practice and Practice’, oh well you fell for it? No it’s not the best but it still works, just practice your butt more!
Also, check out www.skyshine.in!